mütter museum
medical museum of monstrosities.
the next time you're in philly, ask yourself a few questions: do you like skeletons? do you enjoy learning about medical anomalies? can you stomach seeing a wall of preserved babies and fetuses? how about a 40lb colon? unbelievably realistic wax models of horrific skin diseases? if the answer is yes, then head over to the mütter museum. the space itself is beautiful:
unfortunately, photos are not allowed inside. i was able to find some online, but am refraining from posting the nightmare inducing ones (horns growing out of the head, gangrenous hands, medical apparatus, dried dead babies). let's keep things light, shall we? there were 2 exhibits at the mütter that i found particularly interesting. the first was a collection of Anthropodermic bibliopegy:
yes, that's right. medical books bound in human skin. it was tanned like cowhide (most likely from the cadavers that they dissected). some were also momento mori keepsakes- a token of the deceased. i realize that people will be grossed out by this idea, but honestly, i'm all for it. i'd love to have my skin cover a book- or photo album maybe. there was a nice wallet too, but i don't want my body being used to carry cash. that's where i'm drawing the line.
the other aspect of the mütter that i enjoyed was the amount of skeletons on display. i'll freely admit that i love skeletons. and there is no shortage at the mütter:
giant skeletons, dwarf skeletons, lots of congenital deformities (DON'T GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH THAT). my favorite were the baby and fetal skeletons. the only ones i liked more than the fetal skeletons were the conjoined fetal skeletons.
i'll end with a unicorn chaser, by saying that before we hit up the mütter we had the most amazing brunch at the dandelion pub.
wow. it's such and impressive restaurant. like going to your gramma's house. if your gramma happened to be British and rich at the turn of the century. and we had the place to ourselves practically.
i highly recommend the bubble & squeak with poached eggs, and the scottish pancakes:
it was good to have that as a foundation in my gut before witnessing atrocities the likes of which i hope never to see again. still loving the skeletons though!